The Takaful between economics, law, and religion. Considerations in relation to Islamic contract law and insurance transactions


  • Alessandro Cupri Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
  • Flavia Cortelezzi



Islam, Shariah, Takaful, Insurance, Contract, Risk


The takaful industry as it exists today in terms of its growth potential and the challenges associated with its development. The opportunities associated with takaful are numerous, mainly due to its wider market reach and adaptability; unlike conventional insurance, takaful is permissible for Muslims and non-Muslims alike and offers a more diverse range of products. The takaful industry is also one of the fastest-growing businesses, contributing significantly to the global insurance industry. However, despite the promise of takaful, the industry faces many obstacles today. Most importantly, the overall value of the takaful industry in terms of total assets and contributions (premiums) is negligible compared to both the size of the Muslim population and the conventional insurance industry. Not to mention the challenges related to supervision and transparency, standardization, and lack of knowledge. Therefore, this paper will analyze the economic potential and impact of the takaful industry, as well as explore the role of takaful in poverty alleviation, where some research has already proven successful. It will also examine the challenges facing the industry, which are slowing down its development and preventing it from realizing its full potential.


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How to Cite

Cupri, A., & Cortelezzi, F. (2025). The Takaful between economics, law, and religion. Considerations in relation to Islamic contract law and insurance transactions. European Journal of Islamic Finance, 12(1), 1–10.



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