A dialect type of Eastern first-layer Maghrebi Arabic


  • Luca D'Anna University of Naples "L'Orientale"




The present paper, building on the availability of new data concerning so-far undescribed varieties of Eastern Maghrebi Arabic, hypothesizes the existence of a dialectal sub-grouping of first-layer dialects stretching from Libya to Tunisia. New data from Libyan and Tunisian Judeo-Arabic varieties, in fact, present shared isoglosses that breach the traditional boundaries between Libyan and Tunisian Arabic. Most of such isoglosses, moreover, are also shared with Mahdia Muslim Arabic, a variety that so far represented an oddity in the panorama of Tunisian first-layer dialects. The hypothesized dialectal group would represent an older layer of sedentary Maghrebi Arabic, lacking some of the innovations that characterize urban dialects of Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco.


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Author Biography

Luca D'Anna, University of Naples "L'Orientale"

Luca D’Anna currently holds the position of Associate Professor of Arabic Dialectology at the University of Naples “L’Orientale.” His fields of interest include Arabic Linguistics and Dialectology, Libyan and Tunisian Arabic, Maghrebi Judeo-Arabic dialects, historical linguistics, Arabic sociolinguistics and Arabic in the diaspora. His recent words include the volume Gender and Number Agreement in Arabic, Brill, 2023 (with Simone Bettega), On the Nature of Benghazi Judeo-Arabic (2023) and Historical Considerations on t- Passives with G-stem verbs in North African Arabic (2024).

Luca can be contacted at:

ldanna@unior.it or luca_danna@hotmail.it


