Giorgio Errera, il chimico che non giurò - Giorgio Errera the chemist who refused the fascist oath


  • Paola Vita Finzi Università di Pavia



Giorgio Errera (1860-1933) studied chemistry at the university of Torino in the research group of Michele Fileti, a very well-known organic chemist that had a great influence on him. After the degree he remained to work in the same Institute. Working very hard could publish many papers that allow him to get the “libera docenza” and therefore to teach in different courses as for example General Chemistry, Optics in chemistry a new subject. In 1892 won a chair at the university of Messina. Most of his published research results have been done in Messina and he became a very well-known chemist not only in Italy. However, at the end of 1908 an earthquake destroyed the town, and he lost his wife, the house and everything in the university. In the following years 1909-1917 he was professor at the university of Palermo and in 1917-1931 at the university of Pavia, where he published important books of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry. He was antifascist and had a very liberal mind so that in 1923 he refused to be appointed rector of the university and then, in 1931, he refused to swear to fascism and was forced to ask to be retired. He died two years later.





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