Le misure normative volte a rimuovere gli ostacoli al diritto al lavoro delle donne


  • Giulia Druetta
  • Elisabetta Palici Di Suni


The article has the objective to analyze the effective application of women's right to work in the Italian context. Using statistical data as the empirical evidence of de facto discrimination, it becomes clear that the law is unable to meet the requirement of equality.
For this reason we will study the meaning of constitutional values in connection with the multiplicity of law instruments that could protect the right.
That existing obstacles to equality can be removed only if the law making process is informed by the actual life conditions of women. Therefore, it will be necessary to explore anti-discrimination law by taking into account the interactions between law and society.

Keywords: Donne Lavoro Discriminazione Uguaglianza
Parole chiave: Women Work Discrimination Equality




