L’omosessualità femminile in Italia: donne e coming out tra famiglia, amici e lavoro


  • Laura Zambelli
  • Elisabetta Ruspini


This article focuses on the coming out of lesbian women in Italy. I analyse the impact of the coming out on their life courses and specifically within the family, the group of friends and work colleagues. A meta analysis of survey data (691 observations) was conducted. Some key factors that influence the likelihood of the coming out of women within the family, the group of friends and the colleagues were identified. The negative or positive impact of such factors on the likelihood of the coming out were identified through the use of logistic regressions. In general, a younger age, being resident in the North of Italy and in a city rather than in the south and in a small town, having a higher qualification and not being catholic are factors that have a positive impact on the likelihood of the coming out, that is they help women in their coming out process.

Keywords: lesbian, coming out, logistic regression, identity.
Parole chiave: lesbiche, coming out, regressione logistica, identità.




