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  • Archeologie sperimentali. Temi, metodi, ricerche
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  • Artifara
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  • The Cardozo Electronic Law Bulletin
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  • Ciceroniana On Line
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  • COSMO | Comparative Studies in Modernism | Rivista del Centro Studi Arti della Modernità |
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  • De Europa
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  • European Journal of Islamic Finance
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  • European Journal of Social Impact and Circular Economy
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  • Filosofia
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  • Frammenti sulla Scena (online)
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  • HISTORIKA Studi di storia greca e romana
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  • Human Security
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  •  JAm It! (Journal of American Studies in Italy)
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  • Journal of Approximation Software
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  • Journal of Biomedical Practitioners
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  • Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas
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  • Journal of Law, Market & Innovation
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  • JUNCO | Journal of UNiversities and international development COoperation
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  • Kervan. International Journal of African and Asian Studies
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  • Mimesis Journal
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  • Noctua
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  • Nuova Rivista di Storia della Medicina
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  • OrizzonteCina
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  • Osservatorio MU.S.I.C. Working Paper Series
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  • Philosophy Kitchen - Journal of Contemporary Philosophy
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  • PinC | Prevenzione in Corso
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  • Quaderni di donne e ricerca
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  • QuadRi - Quaderni di RiCOGNIZIONI
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  • Re|Cibo
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  • RiCOGNIZIONI. Rivista di Lingue e Letterature straniere e Culture moderne
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  • Rivista di Storia dell'Università di Torino
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  • ri.tra | rivista di traduzione: teorie pratiche storie
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  • RSAJournal
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  • Gli spazi della musica
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  • Spazio Filosofico
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  • Trópos. Journal of Hermeneutics and Philosophical Critique
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  • Tutor
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  • La Valle dell'Eden
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  • Visions for Sustainability
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