Workload Indicators of Staffing Need (WISN) method to determine the staffing needs of Radiographers within an Italian Radiology Department.
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In Italy, the estimation of the demand for radiographers has traditionally been calculated considering generic variables such as population size, facility size, and the ratio of physicians to healthcare professionals. In December 2022, the State-Regions Conference ratified a new "Method for determining the personnel needs of the National Health Service (NHS)", but it also provides too vague indications and excessively wide operational ranges. This study aims to experiment with the application of the Workload Indicators of Staffing Need (WISN) method, already used in industrial and healthcare professions, to estimate the demand for radiographers.
Initially, a literature review was conducted on the main methods used to estimate the demand for radiographers, followed by a survey among a sample of healthcare professions managers. Finally, the WISN method was applied to the "ALFA" Hospital and its Radiology Department, calculating the number of radiographers employed and their annual work hours. Data on the number and types of examinations performed in 2022 were also collected, and the average time per examination for each modality was estimated. Through this data, the annual workload and the number of radiographers required for standard professional activities were determined, applying a corrective factor to consider additional category and individual activities.
From the literature review, 45 scientific articles reporting 4 types of methodologies for determining the demand for radiographers were selected. The survey among healthcare professions managers confirmed the need for a more precise and effective method based on actual workload. The Available Working Time (AWT) of 1369 hours/year was similar to that predicted by the State-Regions Conference of 1480 hours/year highlighting that, despite there being 13 RTs in the workforce, the actual hours of service performed correspond to those of 10 personnel. The timetable of the Italian Society of Medical Radiology (SIRM) was generally consistent with the real-time activities observed in the field. Contrary to expectations of adequate staffing, the WISN method revealed a shortage of 1 unit compared to the personnel employed, with an excessive workload, particularly in computed tomography (CT). However, the surplus activity in CT is adequate, as the workload does not globally exceed the threshold value of 10%.
The WISN method proved to be a simple, flexible, and effective tool for establishing personnel needs and guiding decision-making processes regarding personnel planning, allowing healthcare facilities to adequately allocate human resources and improve the quality and efficiency of services provided.
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