“Nurse Assistant (NA)! Let’s do it?” A cross sectional study to investigate the complementary competencies and care workload perceived by NAs.

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Emanuele Primavera
Simona Leonelli



A decree is at the center of the Italian debate. It allows Nurse Assistants (NAs) with complementary training, to perform certain "border" actions generally considered of nursing competence. The decree would partially solve the problem related to the shortage of nurses, which reached its maximum expression with the COVID-19 pandemic.


The study aims to analyze the care workload perceived by NAs in the Covid-19 era and the approval rates of the complementary procedures.


A cross-sectional observational study was conducted through the administration of an online questionnaire. 136 responses were received.


Results show that NAs perceive an increased demand for care regarding the following needs: hygiene, movement, and elimination. The complementary skills most appreciated are detection and annotation of parameters, blood glucose detection, and the execution of simple dressings and bandages.


Hospital organizational dynamics could benefit from the NAs carrying out "border" activities. In fact, NAs would be more incentivized to participate in departmental activities if they acquired more skills and put in charge of their work responsibilities.


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Primavera, E., & Leonelli, S. (2022). “Nurse Assistant (NA)! Let’s do it?” A cross sectional study to investigate the complementary competencies and care workload perceived by NAs. Journal of Biomedical Practitioners, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.13135/2532-7925/6836
Journal article


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