Survey with dieticians on Care Management in the field of nutrition.

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Gessica Cicci
Serena Frassini
Stefania Rasori



The study explores the knowledge and application of Care Management in a sample of dietitians in order to understand the current limitations and assumptions for promoting integrated nutrition management in chronic patients.

Materials and methods

The exploratory, qualitative and descriptive study was conducted through semi-structured interviews of dietitians working in hospital settings.


Six dietitians were interviewed. The results suggest the primary role of multidisciplinary teamwork (66%) in an integrated approach for the care of people with chronic disorder and also shows the key role of a therapeutic relationship between patients and dietitian (50%) to achieve an increased patient compliance with nutritional recommendations and an increased efficacy of the nutritional intervention. At the same time, the results show organizational criticalities in the hospital setting such as insufficient workspace (50%) and human resources (33%) and therefore less therapeutic time for each patient (100%) as well as a reason for professional dissatisfaction. Finally, results show the lack of cooperation with territorial healthcare services after hospital discharge (33%).


In conclusion, data suggest a reflection on the current critical issues in the healthcare organizations limiting the implementation of the Nutritional Care Management and show, in some areas, the need to develop a better expression of professional skills and a major efficacy of the therapeutic interventions in chronic diseases.


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How to Cite
Cicci, G. ., Frassini, S. ., & Rasori, S. . (2023). Survey with dieticians on Care Management in the field of nutrition. Journal of Biomedical Practitioners, 7(2).
Nutrition and dietetic sciences


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