Perché le (presunte) "stazioni di polizia cinesi" e i (reali) Centri di servizio per i cinesi d'oltremare meritano attenzione




These Overseas Chinese Service Centers (Huázhù zhōngxīn 华助中心) are nothing new. In Milan, the first temporarily opened in via Lepetit in 2015, to then settle definitively in via Bramante 8, at the headquarters of the historic Chinese Association in Milan (Mǐlán Huáqiáo Huárén gōngshānghuì 米兰华侨华人工商会), the oldest and most important Chinese association of Italy, which since 1945 has assisted the Chinese consular authorities in the processing of paperwork concerning Chinese citizens originating from Zhejiang. This specific center is also affiliated with the network of service centers for Chinese living abroad organized by the Wenzhou Municipality, qualifying as a Wenzhou Overseas Chinese Center. They offer services such as the booking of passport renewals, authorization for visa applications (for those of Chinese origin but Italian citizens), insurance for Chinese students abroad, legal assistance, etc. In order to provide these services, these centers must not only be able to count on organizational agreements with the Chinese Consulate in Milan, but also on direct communication channels with the authorities of their areas of origin in China. In no case are these activities of a clandestine or "secret" nature.



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