Current Issue
![View Vol. 15 No. 2 (2024): A new paradigm of "Chineseness"?](
Post-pandemic China has undergone profound transformations, not only in its economic and political landscape but also in the construction of its national identity. While the reform era promoted a vision of "Chineseness" that was open and cosmopolitan, the so-called New Era has solidified a shift toward a more unified and prescriptive identity narrative. The call to "remember the original mission" of the Chinese Communist Party reflects a renewed effort to define and regulate the diverse expressions of Chinese identity, both within the PRC and across its diaspora communities. This issue of OrizzonteCina explores the emergence of a possible new paradigm of "Chineseness," examining its cultural, political, and institutional implications.
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Subject section
Forum. Doing research in and on Contemporary China: old challenges in the New Era?
Feature: "STIP - Science, Technology & Innovation Policy"
ANVUR, the Italian national agency for the evaluation of university and research systems, lists OrizzonteCina among the Italian scientific journals for Area 14 (Political and Social Sciences). The Editorial Team of OrizzonteCina welcomes manuscripts in Italian, English and Chinese, which will be subject to desk review and double-blind peer review, prior to translation into Italian.
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