Notes on the Sidelines of the Concept of "Isomorphism"


  • Veronica Cavedagna
  • Ludovica Conti


The sixth issue of Philosophy Kitchen entitled "Isomorphisms. Forms of thought, forms of reality ", intends to investigate the concept of "isomorphism", or rather the philosophical use of the same in response to ontological and epistemological questions. Literally, isomorphism is defined as an equivalence relationship between related sets (<a, R>, <b, S>) which preserves the order - that is, an injective function f from a to b such that for every c, d ∈ a, cRd if and only if f (c) Sf (d). During the twentieth century, however, the use of this notion was extended from the strictly logical-mathematical context to other disciplines with an inevitable resemantization; in particular in philosophy it has been used to describe an epistemological correspondence relationship between subject and object or a metaphysical one between structures of reality.

How to Cite

Cavedagna, V., & Conti, L. (2017). Notes on the Sidelines of the Concept of "Isomorphism". Philosophy Kitchen - Journal of Contemporary Philosophy, (6). Retrieved from