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  • Federica Buongiorno University of Florence
  • Giovanni Leghissa University of Turin



Author Biographies

Federica Buongiorno, University of Florence

Researcher at the University of Florence, where she teaches for the chairs of Theoretical Philosophy and Phenomenology of Technology. She is one of the creators and managers of the "Seminar of Theoretical Philosophy" and the "Permanent Seminar of Philosophy of Technology" at the same University. Alongside the phenomenology and philosophy of technology and the digital, her research interests touch on contemporary epistemology and theory of knowledge, contemporary feminist and ecological thought. She is a member of the editorial board of leading Italian philosophy journals.

Giovanni Leghissa, University of Turin

Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences, University of Turin. Editor of "aut aut", director of the online philosophy magazine "Philosophy Kitchen". He has taught philosophy at the Universities of Vienna, Trieste and at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Karlsruhe.



How to Cite

Buongiorno, F., & Leghissa, G. (2022). Download the Table of Contents. Philosophy Kitchen - Journal of Contemporary Philosophy, (17), 3–4. Retrieved from