
  • Rodolfo Delmonte Ca' Foscari University Venice



Parole chiave:

TextToSpeech, Prosody, NLP, Poetry


In this paper we present SPARSAR, a system for English poetry recital. The system is parasitic on TextToSpeech (TTS) systems available both online and on Macintosh computers. It creates prosodic parameters and phonetic transcriptions on any input text to be used by the TTS in order to normalize and improve current systems which are statistically based. In order to show TTS inability to produce semantically coherent and expressive readings Italian texts will be used at first and critical points indicated and discussed. Then SPARSAR architecture will be introduced and its three layers presented in detail. The ability of the system to generate appropriate prosodic parameters will be discussed in relation to a poem by Sylvia Plath, Edge. The peculiarity of this poem is its richness in enjambments, which are not captured at all by statistically based TTS. Eventually, latest work on Elisabethan poetry will be presented and a Sonnet by Shakespeare will be transcribed and annotated with prosodic parameters’ values by the system; in particular, it will be shown how the lack of a specific component to account for contractions and rhyming violations makes best commercial TTS systems even unable to pronounce words correctly.

Biografia autore

Rodolfo Delmonte, Ca' Foscari University Venice

Associate Professor of Linguistics and Computational Linguistics in the Departement of Language Studies now retire since 2016.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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Come citare

Delmonte, R. (2019). POETRY AND SPEECH SYNTHESIS: SPARSAR RECITES. RiCOGNIZIONI. Rivista Di Lingue E Letterature Straniere E Culture Moderne, 6(11), 75–95. https://doi.org/10.13135/2384-8987/3302

