Le associazioni femminili: il caso del Burkina Faso


  • Camilla Vesco
  • Astrig Tasgian


It exists a link between gender and poverty and between gender empowerment and development: in the Least Developed Countries (but also in the industrialized ones) gender empowerment can play an important role in social and economic development. The organization of productive women associations could promote this process. A more equal access to resources and opportunities between men and women has positive consequences not only for current society, but also for future generations.
This study draws on about 60 interviews carried out in several cities and villages in Burkina Faso.
The target of the interviews were feminine associations with different level of education, age and marital status of the members, different activities, labour organization, geographical context (urban or rural), etc.
The ability of achieving the goals of women empowerment and poverty reduction depends on the characteristics of the association.

Keywords: gender empowerment, women associations, collective activities, social and economic development, poverty reduction.
Parole chiave: empowerment di genere, associazioni femminili, attività collettive, sviluppo economico e sociale, riduzione della povertà.




