La donna migrante nell’UE in una prospettiva italo-francese


  • Clara Rizzitelli
  • Rachele Raus


In his famous work Mythologies, Roland Barthes describes the concept of the myth as a system of communication whose aim is to deprive every discourse of its history, in order to present a natural explanation of the world we live in. As the causes disappear, hierarchies and power relations remain immutable. According to his intuitions, we have considered Community law and rhetoric as a metalanguage in which the myth, as a second semiological system, allows to impose a denoted message as means of maximum connotation.
This essay aims to verify in which aspects Community discourse is a mythological one. We have chosen the migrant woman as the subject whose cultural, religious and sexual identity is able to connote her in terms of diversity. The different representations given to her, place the migrant woman as the object (but never the subject) of three European policies: the immigration policy, the policy of equal opportunities between men and women, and the policy of equal treatment. In order to discover the ideology connoting her as a migrant and as a woman, our analysis has taken as reference corpus the rhetorical and legal Community discourse, then its influence on the Italian and French discourse systems as well. We have ultimately observed how her position is justified and reformulated by an ideological discourse system, both in terms of an economic resource, and of a victim of Muslim fundamentalism.
Keywords: migrant woman, identity, social group, multiple discrimination, victim.
Parole chiave: donna migrante, identità, gruppo sociale, discriminazione multipla, vittima.




