Sfide Globali E Risposte Locali Verso La Costruzione Di Politiche Alimentari Inclusive: Il Caso Del Progetto "In Cibo Civitas", Promosso Dall’associazione Lvia


  • Nicoletta Gorgerino
  • Francesca Allemano
  • Davide Zarri
  • Franco Fassio


The "In Cibo Civitas" project presents food as a tool for sociality and sustainability, engaging students, young people, teachers, and institutions. Supported by LVIA in partnership with Slow Food Italia, ImpactSkills, the University of Turin, and six Italian municipalities, it aims to promote sustainable lifestyles and active citizenship through intergenerational dialogue and territorial enhancement. Within the project, the publication "Circular City Selfie" gathers best practices in circularity to inspire daily replicability. The project also fosters dialogue tables to develop Urban Food Policies in areas without structured food policies, integrating young people into the decision-making process. The project is supported by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.

